Using the AI Stylist
You have three ways to start the AI Stylist:
- In the Item Details page use the drop-down menu and select “SUGGEST OUTFIT”. This will generate only outfits that contain this Item. Note that Item-s without a Category or Item-s from Accessory Categories: bags, jewellery, glasses, shoes etc. are not considered suitable to be the leading Item in an outfit and therefore do not have “SUGGEST OUTFIT” menu item.
- From the Outfits page, tap on the context menu and choose “SUGGEST”.
- On the page where you create and edit outfits manually, tap on the “SUGGEST” label that appears in the header.
When you call the AI Stylist to generate Outfits, it tries to assemble a set of 10 different Outfits. You can use the navigation buttons at the top to browse through the set. Each Outfit is unique compared to the others in all currently generated sets. The Outfits that you have previously saved are not considered. The AI Stylist works with the currently filtered Items.
If the AI Stylist can’t generate a unique Outfit following its color combination rules and style guides, it starts to combine Items randomly. The label of the newly-generated Outfit changes from “AI STYLIST” to “RANDOM”.
When you decide you like and Outfit, you should use “SAVE” to add it to the Outfits in the Outfits page. In contrast to the page where you create or edit Outfits manually, this page never saves an Outfit automatically. You must press “SAVE”. The label in the bottom left corner renders “NOT SAVED” to alert you, that the Outfit you see will be lost, when you exit the page, if you don’t press “SAVE”.
Sort and Filter of Items
The sort and filter of Items is accessible from two pages:
- Items page, where you can click “Sort & Filter” from the drop-down menu
- Outfit create and edit page, where the button is located above the Item list.
The order criteria can be re-arranged by dragging any row in the “ORDER BY:” table.
The drop-down menu in the Items page allows you to remove any sort and filter with the “CLEAR FILTER” button.
Sort and Filter of Outfits
In order to sort and filter your Outfits, go to the OUTFITS page, click on the drop-down menu icon and choose “SORT & FILTER”.
The Sort & Filter page allows you to choose and apply various options. The items in the “ORDER BY:” section can be rearranged with drag of the respective table row.
You can easily remove all sort and filtering by tapping on the “CLEAR FILTER” item from the drop-down menu in Outfits.
You can create as many custom Categories as you wish. The default Categories cannot be deleted. You can hide the Categories that you don’t use by tapping on the “eye” icon.
You can delete all Styles from the Style list and add your custom style. There is no limit as to the number of styles you can define.